How to create your own wildflower meadow

Natural wildflower meadows are one of the rarest habitats in the UK and we have lost 98% of our wild flower meadows since the 1930s[1]. They are a hugely diverse habitat that supports hundreds of species of invertebrates, namely pollinators such as bees. Land development and farming have all contributed to this decline but our own gardens and green spaces can offer a small haven for wildlife.

There are a variety of wildflower seeds on offer; we’d always encourage only selecting native and local provenance where possible.

Ground preparation

-       Choose a sunny spot that is relatively free-draining

-       Wildflowers get easily out-competed by ‘garden’ grasses and perennial weeds so it is important that the area you wish to sow is cleared of existing vegetation

-       You may wish to use a turf cutter and/or rotavator to prepare the soil; you need at least 50% of bare ground available for good establishment.


Seed selection and sowing

-       Ensure you select a wildflower seed mix that is suited to your soil profile; clay, loamy, chalk etc.

-       For an instant showy display, Cornfield Annuals are a good choice. They’re an annual seed meaning they flower in the first year and will need the soil to be turned over at the end of the season to encourage flowering again the following year. Cornfield Annual mixes include Cornflower, Corncockle, Corn Marigold and Poppy.

-       For a longer lasting perennial wildflower meadow, seed mixes will vary based on your soil profile but may include Knapweed, Yarrow, Musk Mallow, Wild Carrot, Field Scabious, Devils Bit Scabious, Yellow Rattle etc. A native wildflower meadow mix will likely contain up to 80% native fine grasses including Crested Dogs Tail, Common Bent and Red Fescue etc. These mixes take longer to establish (up to 3 years) but provide the more natural meadow habitats now missing from our landscape.

Ø  Seed mixes can be hand sown and the sowing rate is usually between 2-4g/m2. It is a good idea to add sand to your seed mix to bulk it up and make even distribution easier. Sowing is best done in Autumn (September-October) but can be done in Spring (March-April). Although the seedlings germinate in early spring, they usually require vernalisation, a period of cold weather which breaks their dormancy[2].


Example of a Cornfield Annual seed mix
(Chelsie Fuge, Roundway Orchard, 2019)


-       The most important factor for maintaining your meadow is to take ‘hay cuts’ after the flowering period each summer (June-August). A hay cut refers to the grasses and flowers being cut at their base, rather than being mulched up as with a normal lawn mower. Always leave the cuttings for a few days to dry out and drop seed before removing the cuttings from the site.

Ø  A few things to remember:

§  Do not leave cuttings to mulch down as this will add unwanted nutrients to the soil, favouring competitive weeds/grasses

§  Timing of your hay cut should be flexible around the weather and if possible, varied year to year to allow some of the later flowering species to set seed time to time.

§  Keep the meadow low from your hay cut until the following February so competition is low come the new growing season. This may mean taking a few extra cuts from the area of bringing in some grazing animals; with grazers, be sure to remove them before damage occurs (wet weather/depth of winter) and before end of February so new growth can establish.

§  Cornfield Annual meadows like to have the soil disturbed to encourage re-seeding whereas perennial meadows should be undisturbed aside from the hay cuts and possible scheduled grazing.


Example of a diverse perennial meadow
(Stephen Davis, Morgan’s Hill, 2020)

Helping wildlife and the environment

wildflower meadow, even when cut for hay once a year, can capture and store 3 tonnes of carbon, or 11 tonnes of CO2 per hectare annually![3] Wildflower meadows also support a wide range of invertebrates including butterflies, like the Small Tortoiseshell, the day-flying Burnet Moth and Marbled White to name a few. You may also see Bumblebees, Dragonflies, Damselflies, and songbirds like the Chiffchaff or Wren and reptiles like the Grass Snake. 

To find out more about wildlife in Wiltshire and how you can get involved, check out
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust.


Article written by Chelsie Fuge, Project Manager at Wiltshire Wildlife Trust.



