Recording species within the CCNR using iRecord

At the Calne Community Nature reserve, we have our own activity project within the Indicia iRecord biological recording website.

There are many benefits of recording wildlife within your part of the Calne Community Nature Reserve via this Activity including that the records entered can be analysed to get some idea of the species that are present within the Calne Community Area.

We will also gain a snapshot of where species are being recorded and begin to understand where there is a need for patches to be connected that may provide safe spaces for wildlife to move around and provide potential places for biodiversity to increase.

To access the Activity, ensure that you have an iRecord account that you are logged into. You can create an account here.

Then click here to reach the welcome page:

Highlighted in blue are the three options to enter a list or records, explore the records already uploaded, and to enter a casual (single) record.

At the time of writing there are 27 records, all at various stages of verification. When verified, the records will be added to the national database, known as the National Biodiversity Atlas.

All records are publicly available, however you can choose to obscure location details if you feel you have found a rare or protected species.

All records are important, however the previous County Recorder for plants wasn't keen on garden plant species being added!

The speed at which the records are checked by the County Recorder (mostly an unpaid position) will depend on the level of activity that the CR puts into verifying records, with some responding the same day, others possibly months later. Patience may be required!

Feel free to get in touch if you face any issues.

CCNR Plaques

Hi to all CCNR members,

As a thank you for pledging your space for wildlife-friendly gardening, we have 30 wooden plaques available for collection on a first come first served basis.


The plaques have been made by Calne Men’s Shed with funding from Calne Without Parish Council. Each plaque is approximately 10cm by 14cm and has two holes for looping string through to hang from a tree, or for screws to affix to a fence post, etc.


If you would like to collect a plaque, please email me and I’ll be in touch with address details for collection.


Thank you again for being wonderful to wildlife.


Best wishes,

