Welcome to Autumn!
If you're looking forward to the beautiful autumn colours that are about to appear, it would be fantastic to see your entries in Calne's Tree of the Year Competition for 2021.
More info:
We know that trees are essential to our health and well-being and can be beautiful and interesting as in the case of the Indian Bean trees (Catalpa Bignonioides Nana) planted in the Centre of Calne to celebrate Twinning.
Autumn has now arrived and it is the perfect time to submit a tree or group of trees in the town that have fantastic fruit or foliage.
Your chosen tree can be growing anywhere – a street, park, or garden but must be visible to the public. It can be old or young, large or small, and to nominate it you don’t need to know the species.
Calne Town Council’s Amenities, Conservation and Sustainability Manager will inspect all nominations and the winner will be decided by the Calne in Bloom Working Group judges
Whoever nominates the winning tree will receive a tree planted by the council in a park or other appropriate space. They will also receive a plaque with the person’s name, the year, and the purpose. The aim is to help people take more notice of their environment with special emphasis on trees.
To make a submission, head over to the Calne Town Council Website https://www.calne.gov.uk/tree-comp/
or scan the QR code.
Competition created by Calne Tree Planting Partnership in conjunction with Calne in Bloom with fantastic support from Calne Town Council.